Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moi Du Jour

Ever wanted to reinvent yourself? Ever wanted to drastically change your hair, your mood, your whole essence? Well, the New Year is coming up, and that's exactly what I'm looking into.

So, leaving school last semester, I left as a hot tempered, high strained, stalkerish acting, attention craving, hormonal teen girl who was into standing in the sidelines obsessing over the littlest things in life while everyone else lived their lives. I know it sounds pretty bad, but it's not as -- ok, it's bad. But apparently, I was fun to be around.

While trying to remain fun to be around, I want to reinvent myself, you know? I want to be a calm, cool, collected, French-speaking, Alice in Wonderland-loving, indie-song writing, cheerleader who happens to do track, too, and has a cute boyfriend. Is that too much to ask? And I haven't been one to keep up with New Year Resolutions, but I have a few. I actually think they'll help me mold myself:
  1. Stop Procrastinating. (Which is ALWAYS on my list. but NEVER gets fixed. This year will be different, though.)
  2. Be Confident and Bold Again. Say "Hey." when you see a hot guy. (All my confidence went down the drain in seventh grade, but all that is going to change.)
  3. Calm Your Temper. (Yeah, I'm very temperamental.)
  4. Grow healthier, better relationships. (with loved ones and unloved ones. :))
  5. Read the Bible daily. (Yes. I'm inspired to do greater things towards my religion.)
  6. Get things off your chest more. (That's probably why I'm so temperamental! I need to share with others how I feel so I won't go crazy. I mean, that's very unhealthy.)
  7. Relax! (My mind is constantly on over-drive. I have no idea of how to relax. I'll learn, though.)
  8. Cool the obessions! (We all know I'm prone to them. They take too much work and time, -but this might not happen-.)
See? I believe in myself. I think I'll be there in no time. Isn't that a wonder?

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