Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Making Summer Count; Day Eleven

For the past three days, I've been listening to this group on Youtube nonstop! They're called the Midnight Beast, and you should really check them out! I really like their videos, "Lez Be Friends", "Tik Tok Ke$ha Parody", XXXMAS BUDDIES... (How to get a xmas....) (Parody)", and "Friends for Never." They're very addicting.

Today was really good. I definitely made it count... Firstly, since I've changed my sleeping pattern to waking up around 10, I haven't been eating an actual breakfast. I feel it's too late for breakfast. So instead I've been eating pizza. BUT TODAY! I made me waffles and eggs. :] Purely delicious.

Secondly, I actually got summer math homework done. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We have over 600 problems to do, I think. I haven't really counted, but that's what I've been told. We have to do all the evens of the first two chapters... oh, the joy. My cool friends have decided to have study sessions at Starbucks. We'll work on math. It's a really good idea. Working on math with others so that if you have any questions, someone will be there to answer. We've all agreed that we should have at least some problems done before our first meeting, so that we can get as many questions answered as we can. I'm on the first section of the chapter and I already have questions. :P

Thirdly, I finally got around to watching Dear John. Late, I know. :P But now that I've watched the movie, I can read the book. I wanted to watch the movie before I read the book so that the movie wouldn't suck to me. I knew the book was going to be good regardless. It's a Nicholas Sparks book. I wasn't too sure about the movie, though. I personally think The Notebook will forever be his best, but I lot of people liked the Last Song and Dear John. I've never read a book by him, but I plan to. I have The Notebook and Dear John. I would have been read The Notebook, but I haven't seen it all the way through yet. I KNOW. I'm so late, it's ridiculous. :P Isn't that a wonder?

Have fun you guys, and enjoy life.
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1 comment:

  1. Well don't I feel horrible! I didn't get to comment yesterday! I really liked this post. And since you Dear John was oh so good I'm going to go out and watch it...I don't know how long that is going to take, but I plan to see it before the summer is over! I can read the book too. I need some thing to do over this long summer...


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