Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Making Summer Count; Day Twelve

It's so hard to post sometimes, because I choose to post late at night... And by the time I post, I can't actually remember the morning. So I have to really, really search my memory to give you guys an accurate review of my day. Gosh. Well, that's how it's going to be, because I'm not changing my ways. :]

Okay, my mom bought me this new book yesterday, Dancing in the Fire. It's set in 19th century Paris- specifically, the Paris Opera House. There's a little ballerina. Her name is Sylvie. I'm not extremely far in the book, but I'm far enough to know she's finally starting to have the life she's always dreamed as far as ballet, but now it's only going downhill because of the war with Prussia. It seems really good!

If you don't know, I'm in love with the 19th century. I love the art, the clothes, the whole essence. It's my favorite time period! Well, 1800s-1930s. (My second favorite is when the dinosaurs existed. :) ) And it isn't only the 19th century America, but world-wide. It was lovely. I guess that's a suckish time period for me to like, though. Because I'm black, and that's the time period during slaves. I've never really thought about the 19th century like that until I was talking to a friend earlier, and she was like, "I hope you don't like 19th century AMERICA." I knew what she was implying immediately, but still... It was kind of a shock. I wasn't expecting that, because whenever I daydreamed about the 19th century, slavery never came up. If I'm honest, I never daydreamed about southern America. It was always New York, or England, or France... I won't let this little oil spill over my dream, though. And that's the snag, you know? Many times, I would have a really cool thought, aspiration, image going for me in my head. I'd be really into it, the thought. It'd have the tiniest embellishments of a bigger beauty, until someone comes around and says something to me that'd ruin it all. The grandeur of the dream would be crushed, and I'd forever rue the moment I revealed my personal dreams. Somethings you should keep to yourself.

I'm also really into ballerinas! Every time I go to see a ballet, during the whole performance I wonder how different my life would be if I'd stuck to ballet. The girls who do it still are so beautiful, and graceful, and elegant. They're wonderful to watch. :] I think I'm actually going to purchase a tutu. Don't make me regret telling you guys that. Isn't that a wonder?

Have fun you guys, and enjoy life.

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