Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Making Summer Count; Day Five

Today was a bum out kind of day. I stayed in the house for the most part. The only time I did go out is when I went to take a few still shots of the clouds and the grass. I ended up also taking a few pictures of a bumble bee buzzing around, an alert squirrel, and a chirping birdie. :)

Between the hours of 9 and 11 AM, I drew a picture of a lemur. I know, a very random thing to draw, but I saw a picture of one yesterday. Eyes of a lemur are very cool. They're exciting and bright and alluring. They are very powerful. So I drew a picture of one, and I tried to capture the unique beauty of their eyes. I think that lemurs are becoming my favorite animal. I have the urge to draw more pictures of them. I used the picture above as a guide.

When I was finished with that, I did the most selfless thing I've done in a while. I signed up to be a volunteer at the Center for the Visually Impaired. I've never actually stepped foot inside the place, but I've seen videos they've posted on YouTube. I really like what the company stands for. In life I've met a lot of assholes who think that people with disabilities such as blindness or being deaf are of lesser value than people without disabilities, and that's a horrible way to think. I believe that we're all the same. Granted, our Saviour has designed us in different forms with different patterns, but we are all the same. No person comes above or below the next. Anyways, I'm really excited about volunteering at the center. I'll be doing things like visiting blind people's home to help them with laundry, cook, or read them a book; I'll make telephone calls to people in need just so they could have a companion; I'll get to work with preschool children at the daycare; I'll take photos of special events that we have to get the word out about us; and lastly -the most exciting thing- I'll be partnered up with a buddy my age to serve as a playmate. This all will be really fun. I'm supposed to get notified soon about an upcoming orientation. I hope this goes well. My fingers are crossed. :)

Towards the end of today, I realized that I love people astronomically. (I love that word.) My family, my friends... I'm so glad that we were created with a big enough heart to give love to the whole world. Isn't that a wonder?

Enjoy life, loves. :)

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