Sunday, May 30, 2010

Making Summer Count; Day Nine

The ninth day already. I'm losing track of time.

Today was pretty good, but short lived. I woke up at 9:30, which is late for me considering that I wake up at around 8. I felt deprived of precious daylight. I went downstairs to fix me waffles and pizza, then spent about an hour watching mindless cartoons. Then I couldn't take it anymore, so I started vacuuming my room. Yes, vacuuming. I knew that later on in the day, my grandmother was having a barbeque for my cousinn - she's flown down from New York. What I didn't know is that later was actually sooner, and before I knew it, my mom was telling me to get dressed. I quickly put on denim capris with a vintage Elmo tank top, and my mom and I headed out the door on our way.

The event itself was pretty good. Big props to my grandmother for the food. :) It would have been SO much better, though, if the guest of honor showed up on time... How in the HELL do you show up THREE whole HOURS late to your own shindig?! That's just not right. & I felt really bad for my grandmother, because she was very upset. She went through all this trouble making this party great for my cousin. The fact that she was very upset made my HIGHLY upset. I tried to help as much as I could with the party, but when the guest of honor showed up, I had to step into another area. That changed my whole mood. : / But besides that, I had fun at the party. I saw a lot of loving family members, and I enjoyed myself ... even though I was the only teenager there.

I have good news. :] I'm a member! I posted links to the right
-- > Check me out! Isn't that a wonder?

Have fun you guys, and enjoy life.
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1 comment:

  1. What an eventful day! it sucks that you were upset by that but I'm glad that your happy now!!! and it sounds like you summer is going better than mine ha ha oh....but I'm happy for you!
    p.s. look i supported to write love on her arms!


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